PT Green Garden Furniture

Produk: Produsen Furniture

PT Green Garden Furniture
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As  a furniture manufacturer we offer the best quality, best product and best price for our customers. In hospitality business we strive to suit every budget of our clients to meet all requirements that needed.

We let you furnish every spaces of your homes, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops in total freedom of your preffered taste. We have various selection of both indoor and outdoor use furniture.


Green Garden started its business in textile market then quickly grown up to be a furniture manufacturer in 2011. In the beginning we outsource our furnitures to sell in Taiwan, China and Japan market. But we realize the tough challenges we meet in outsourcing is quality so we decided to produce our own furniture instead of outsourcing. We confidence with our quality and distinctive design we expand our market to Europe and America. Some of our repeated buyers spread across globe in countries like Georgia, Israel, and France.

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